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The 2002 Help America Vote Act has given NIST a key role in helping to realize nationwide improvements in voting systems. To assist the Election Assistance Commission with the development of voluntary voting system guidelines, HAVA established the Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC) and directs NIST to chair the TGDC.

The NIST Voting Program performs technical research to support the development of standards and guidelines for current and future voting systems.  Our major efforts are in the development of the Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines (VVSG) through the Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC) which NIST chairs; accreditation of Voting Systems Test Labs (VSTL); research in accessibility and human factors, cybersecurity, and interoperability

NIST recognizes the importance of collaborating with several groups to gain perspective and provide optimal guidance for elections. 

NIST researches to... 

  • Develop standards for new election systems technology  

  • Provide guidance for applying new election systems/technology 

  • Help to integrate accessibility and human factors needs into election system security 
